Top earning appsBack
🕵️ Get notified when you get new followers.
🙏 Send thank you message to tippers based on tip amount.
📢 20 Notice Rotating Notifier
🎨 Add colors to your chat. Choose from 11 different color themes.
The best tip menu on Chaturbate.
⚡ The original leaderboard
🪄 Big tips make magic!
🏆 Fan club chat icons and advertisement. OPEN-SOURCE
🧼 Display tip levels and special patterns for Lovense sex toys.
📈 Displays broadcast statistics to the broadcaster.
🎲 Tip to roll the dice and win sexy prizes.
⚡ The original hidden show bot with Pay Per Minute.
30 items Tip Menu
🔗 All my links in the same place, with icons – bit like a linktree, but in your chat
⛔ Stop Spam antispambot auto silences annoying messages in your chat!
⚡ The popular app for Lovense and Ohmibod toys.
📋 Nice and easy 50 item tip menu.
💧💧 Make it rain emojis! 💧💧 🇷🇺 дайте дождю 🇪🇸 que llueva Magic tips. Tip magic rain. Tip Menu. Roll Dice roller. Rolling dice. Tip Goal. Goals.
🎯 10 Progressive Goals and Goal #Hashtag Changer
🎯 Tip Goal & Multi-Goal with OBS Overlay.
A simple spin the wheel game with up to 24 slots. Can run as little as 2 slots as well for a 50/50 wheel. Along with a compact prize list so as not to spam your chat up!
Simple tip goal app
Only users who are following or have tokens will be able to send messages
🤩 Put a graphic next to your name in chat. OPEN-SOURCE
Leaderboard with separate Daily, Weekly, Monthly and All-time boards Welcome messages with custom messages to individual users Tip thank you messages with custom messages to individual users
💕 A better leaderboard 💕 Улучшенная таблица лидеров
Roll the Dice – Dice game: Simple dice game that will give random prizes to tippers. Rare prize support!
👾 Anti-Spam protection.
Advertise Privates and Spy Shows OPEN-SOURCE
⚡ The popular app for Lovense and Ohmibod toys (levels only).
🖱️ Simple Click and Tip Menu
🎯 Full-featured multi- and epic-goal app with a splash of colour 🎯 Полнофункциональное приложение для достижения нескольких и эпических целей с ярким цветом
Simple app to help spread your links to fan sites!
The safe, secure, and open version of DJ Lovense Tip Goal Безопасная, надежная и открытая версия DJ Lovense Tip Goal
🖱️ Simple Click and Follow
Reverse-engineered V2 version of Bobodeluxe's popular Spin the wheel XXX game
Send a message to entering users and see their gender. ESPAÑOL: Envíe un mensaje a los usuarios que ingresan y vea su género.
Auto responses for hello and pm
The safe, secure, and open version of Horny Tip Goal Безопасная, надежная и открытая версия Horny Tip Goal
Multi-line welcome message and rotating notices
Increase followers & decrease spam with followers-only chat.
🤯🤯🤯Russian roulette🤯🤯🤯 OPEN-SOURCE
Users can tip for a cute & unique Avatar which appears in an Overlay. This Avatar can react to tip events & randomly move around the screen.
Make it rain with the chosen gif when choosen tip amount exceeded
A simple reminder. Show a message all x seconds to your users.
An easy to use but fully loaded ticket show. Can't go wrong with a Classic!
🎰 Match3 symbols to win!
Keep track of tip progress toward up to 20 goals. Do the goals in order or choose your next goal from your list. Personalize the App with your own color choices, emojis/GIFs, and create your own panel backgrounds. (V2 App upgrade for Dorothy's Tip Goals)